We recently purchased 40 iPads for our university Media Center (a.k.a. ‘the library’), and I have been tasked with their management. We only have 30 remaining on our campus, as two sets of five were sent off to our other campuses, but that is still plenty for a small school like ours. We currently have ten black third generation iPads, fifteen black iPad 2s, and five white iPad 2s.
While I have been working with one of the third generation iPads for the past week in order to select apps and such, I have quite enjoyed the natural feel of a naked iPad. I have always been a bit odd about protecting my screens, and actually went as far as to use my iPad 2 in the film it was shipped in for a few days while waiting for my screen protector to arrive in the mail. However, while I have been quite cautious with the screen, I do not feel as confident that all the users who follow me will be, so I spent my morning installing Zagg screen protectors on 30 devices.
Of course, I had some students do some of the work as well…
While the Zagg protectors were a bit expensive, especially considering we needed to order 30 or them, I chose them for a few important reasons.
- They are nearly scratch proof. (While they claim to be “scratch-proof” on their site, I have found that letting my son use my Bamboo Duo stylus to play games such as Infinity Blade and Batman led to a few arching scratches across the protector. That said, better on the protector than on the glass…)
- They use a wet-install, which is much more forgiving than the standard screen protector. (While some people may be nervous about the “wet-install”, it is actually quite easy. The wet-install process allows the protector to slide around a bit on the screen while you line things up. This is a great help, as it is far less stressful than trying to line a “dry install” protector up “perfectly” before it gets stuck in place.)
- Lifetime Warranty (I have only had to make use of this once for my first iPad, and Zagg responded quickly. They won me over with their quick response, and I have used them for all my iOS devices ever since.
(There is nothing more expensive than something cheap.)
This is something that I have heard said in Japanese, and back home in the states as well. Sure, it would have been cheaper to buy a stack of 500 yen screen protectors, but the replacement costs would add up quickly.
*For the record, I have no financial interest in Zagg. I just think that it was a good choice for our situation considering the number of people who will handle our devices.